logo Mif.Kids 2022 - Mercado Internacional de Florianópolis | Conteúdo Infanto-juvenil
ilustração mercado público de florianópolis

A new market committed to ensuring childhoods are free from stereotypes and prejudice

Mif.Kids is a platform for generating and sharing knowledge, and creating networking and business opportunities in film & TV production, specifically for content aimed at the 2-12 and 12+ age brackets. In 2022, the event revolves around three pillars: developing, managing and marketing kids entertainment industry projects.
lab infâncias diversas

From June 1st – 15th, the lab proposes to refine narrative design and pitching techniques for selected film & TV projects. Applicants’ projects must have a thematic focus on diversity or plurality in childhood, or be connected with this storytelling universe in some fashion, either onscreen or behind the scenes, by virtue of characters, cast and/or crew who come from diverse origins. Selected projects will be presented during Mif.Kids in Florianópolis.

Market Encounter in Florianópolis

From June 29th – July 1st, the Market Encounter brings together filmmakers, producers and leading Brazilian and international media company executives to discuss storytelling, production and co-production, financing, distribution and exhibition on streaming services and other screens. One day will be dedicated to pitching sessions for projects participating in the Lab Infâncias Diversas. Program details available from May 16th.

Post-pitching and Management

From 1 July 2022 – 1 July 2023, individual and business-focused project development support — projects will be presented, managed and marketed under the Mif.Kids label to top executives from Brazilian, Latin and global markets. The techniques and dynamics of this phase will be led by Paulo Barata, a TV executive with 23 years’ industry experience, who is an associate producer for Mif.Kids.

lab infâncias diversas

Our Timeline

14/03 – 08/04: Registration for the Lab Infâncias Diversas;

14/05: Announcement of the 9 projects selected for the Lab Infâncias Diversas;

01/06 – 15/06: Online Lab Infâncias Diversas takes place;

29/06 – 01/07: Mif.Kids – International Kids Content Market of Florianópolis – In-person.

01/07/2022 – 01/07/2023: Post-pitching and management of selected projects.

Mif.Kids 2022 is a pioneering initiative for the children’s media industry in Brazil

Mif.Kids 2022 – the International Kids Content Market of Florianópolis is designed to present, develop, negotiate, manage and distribute film & TV content for the children’s media industry in Brazil. For this edition, we embrace childhood and its storytelling universe by imaginatively expanding the diversity of visual repertoires. All creators, producers and players participating in this edition must commit to guaranteeing that new film & TV content will create meaning for the large, diverse population of Brazilian children.

Our focus for the Mif.Kids 2022 edition stems from a belief that Brazilian children can greatly benefit from being introduced to our country’s wealth of human diversity and socio-cultural plurality, helping them to become more empathetic, less prejudiced adults (because humanity is in dire need of this), but also more fulfilled, happier individuals, capable of recognising their singular potential from an early age.

Our world is constantly changing and with their unique personalities and talents, children are wanting to change it evermore. Countless research shows how much suffering could be avoided if the content children were exposed to on a daily basis offered a more generous, inclusive mirror of children and adults that come from all cultures, races, ethnicities, identities, ways of being, living, loving and thinking.

As adults and creative leaders of the film & TV industry, we understand it is our responsibility to co-create new futures, and it is with this is mind that in 2021, we launched the online version of Mif.Kids, and in 2022, its inaugural in-person version. Our objective is to actively contribute to developing and strengthening the Brazilian children’s media industry through seminars, pitching sessions and networking opportunities designed to stimulate the market and inform public policy.

From Festivals to the Market — Discover our history

Over 20+ years, the Florianópolis Children’s Film Festival and FICI – the International Kids Film Festival have screened thousands of films for millions of children. Our top quality cinema selection has provided a wealth of visual plurality in all its forms, colours, formats, genres, times and narratives, capable of entertaining, educating, expanding and decolonising children’s way of watching films. We also award prizes to children and adolescents for the cinema they make themselves, which is increasingly powerful. Both festivals serve as essential platforms for the strengthening of the children’s media industry in Brazil, hosting hundreds of workshops, debates and screenings that focus on representing all childhood(s) inclusively onscreen.

From 2006 to 2012, these Market Encounters were hosted by the Florianópolis Children’s Film Festival, in a partnership between Luiza Lins and Carla Esmeralda, eventually giving birth to the Mif.Kids concept. On the basis of the 2021 Encounters, we created Mif.Kids – the International Kids Content Market of Florianópolis. For 2022, Paulo Barata joins Mif.Kids as an associate producer. Barata has 23 years of experience in pay TV and collaborates on the event as a curator and speaker.

Mif.Kids takes its inspiration from other successful international experiences and markets, such as Industry Forum (New York International Children Film Festival), KIDSCREEN (Miami), m:brane (Malmö), Cinekid for Professionals (Amsterdam) and MIPJunior (Cannes).

ilustração cultivo de ostras

Meet the Directors 

Mif.Kids is led by top industry professionals eager to share their decades-long experience in the Brazilian film & TV industry and their strong combined track record in facilitating international opportunities.

Carla Esmeralda


Carla Esmeralda holds a degree in Communication from PUC-RIo. Since the 1980s, she has been behind the creation of countless projects and events that develop and qualify the Brazilian film & TV industry. From 1992-1998, Esmeralda was active in the cinema financing sector, and over the course of the past 45 years, she has organised over 100 editions of film & TV industry events, focusing particularly on capacity-building in storytelling and business expertise, and on creating networking opportunities between producers and players from the Brazilian and international markets. In 2021, the Lab Novas Histórias, which Esmeralda developed in Brazil in partnership with the Sundance Institute, celebrated 25 years of existence. In partnership with Carla Camurati, Esmeralda created FICI – the International Kids Film Festival, which has been running since 2003. In partnership with Bravi, Esmeralda also created the RioContentMarket (2011-2017), which she then adapted to its current Rio2C format (2018-2020). In 2018, Esmeralda co-produced “The Last Abolition” documentary with Gávea Films, directed by Alice Gomes, and in partnership with GloboNews, Globo Filmes and TV Escola.

Luiza Lins


Luiza Lins is a cultural producer with extensive experience in the kids’ entertainment industry. For the past 20 years, she has run the Florianópolis Children’s Film Festival — a pioneering event that promotes cinema as a means for social inclusion and education. She has also been instrumental in developing Brazil’s national children’s cinema. Lins created the Children’s Film Circuit in an attempt to democratise access to the festival’s cinema selection for children across Brazil, as well as the festival’s Film Club and the Southern Region Creative Industry Encounter — Animation, Games and Kids Content. Lins has directed short films for kids featuring stories and games from Santa Catarina Island, and was the children’s cinema curator for Programadora Brasil and other Brazilian festivals. Lins was a member of the Cinema nas Escolas working group created by the Ministry of Culture in partnership with the Ministry of Education to develop a proposal for implementing Law 13.006, which establishes that on a monthly basis, the Brazilian primary education curriculum must contain two hours of Brazilian cinema.

Paulo Barata


Paulo Barata holds a degree in Communications from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and has 23 years’ experience as an executive for pay TV. During 5 years at Globosat, he was Executive Producer for Multishow, negotiating co-productions for musicals, series and live events. Over the 18 years prior, he was Director for NBC Universal, a joint venture between Globosat and NBCUniversal, operating the Universal, Syfy e Studio Universal channels in Brazil. When Brazil’s Law 12.845 came into effect, Barata supervised the production of series such as Unidade Básica, Rotas do Ódio, Amigo de Aluguel, 171 – Negócio em Família, Jungle Pilots, Natália and Cinelab for NBCUniversal. In 2019, he left NBCUniversal to become a speaker and project consultant, and if everything goes according to plan, a screenwriter and producer.

Contact Us

Mif.Kids’s Press Officer: Marcelle Braga

55 21 98842-4820


logo Mif.Kids 2022 - Mercado Internacional de Florianópolis | Conteúdo Infanto-juvenil
logomarca dos realizadores: Lume Produções Culturais, Esmeralda Produções e Paulo Barata. logomarcas dos patrocinadores: BRDE, FSA, ANCINE, PREMIO CATARINENSE DE CINEMA, FUNDAÇÃO CATARINENSE DE CULTURA, GOVERNO DE SANTA CATARINA

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